Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Tyra Banks is an idiot.

"Michelle Obama, you're one hot mama," Tyra Banks says in the new issue of Harper's Bazaar.
And, as for Barack's wife, Michelle, Banks says, "With Barack Obama, his becoming president is them becoming president because Michelle was there from the beginning. Without Michelle, he wouldn’t be there.”
What does Tyra want from the possible First Lady?
“Oh, I want her to not take herself too seriously," she says. "She’d need to know how to take a fierce picture, but at the same time be able to eat fried chicken, have grease on her fingers, and be okay with getting photographed like that, too. I’d want her to feel like every child in America is hers – to have a true connection.”


Why do we need to send our kids on fried chicken picnics with our leaders? That is not their job. I know I am now giving Obama coverage, but what is with every flippin' magazine featuring him or his family in some stupid fluff article? How is knowing that his wife enjoys shopping at Target (she's just like me! I am SO voting for Obama!) or where they went for their anniversary translate into "leader of the free world"? We'll no longer be able to shop at Target if he wins and our paychecks go to support deadbeats who buy cell phones and crack when they should get some health insurance for their kids or pay the electric bill.

This rant was brought to you by Candice for McCain (even though his wife freaks me out).


Amy Coontz said...

It bugs to think of what kind of parents they can be if their top priority is figuring out how to get more of our hard earned money. Not that they would know about hard earned money!! Those poor little girls. What kind of life will they have.

Dean and Maryellen said...

All we here about down under is Obama. This very liberal country loves him. Never here anything about McCain. Please God protect us.

Meghan said...

When McCain selects Romney for his VP, I'll start promoting him. Until then, I remain just anti-Obama. And Cindy McCain needs to tone it down on the eyeliner already -- I get it! You have piercing blue eyes! But I don't need them to pierce my soul every time I see a picture of you!

Courtney said...

When will it stop? seriously, i don't think of myself as a very political person (although my Facebook says i am a republican of the Virgin Islands, thank you Candice and Jordan) but i was looking forward to my first time ever voting for president. Nothing I hear Obama say makes me want to vote for him. (sorry but i feel the same about Mccain also) but at least Hillary is out (Praise the Lord) I refuse to talk crap about the President if i didn't do my part and vote, but hopefully Mccain can step it up. (By the way, that's the first time I have ever talked about this race other than Life's a B****, Don't vote for one, which i thought was extremely clever)

Kyle Johnson said...

I want this to be like myspace, where I can comment on your page without being blog-specific. This has nothing to do with this blog, other than the fact that it happens to be your most current.

I will try to update my blog somewhat regularly, so that, through our blogs, we can almost feel like we hang out sometimes. Also, coming and visiting me at Frugatti's on days that aren't my sister's birthday is always a good idea.

Jordan and Nikki Brown said...

Why do people like Tyra deserve to be asked their opinion? End of discussion.

Matthew Urmston said...

Why is it that Tyra can portray the Obama's at a picnic with greasy fingers from all the fried chicken, but if Glenn Beck or some other white talking head said it all heck would break loose. Even the 'reverend' jesse jackson can use the 'n' word in reference to him and that's OK too. The first of many double standards.