Wednesday, January 21, 2009

2. Hmmm...

I read Ender's Game based on the recommendation of some of my male students, and I just don't think the sci-fi genre is for me. The author did an excellent job of revealing some aspects of human nature, though, such as how to lead/manipulate the masses (if we hadn't all learned from the whole Obama debacle) and how to best use our emotions-one of my favorite quotes: "Ender's anger was cold, and he could use it. Bonzo's was hot, and so it used him"-let that one sink in. Ooooh...nice.

Okay, that whole last sentence is so screwed up in terms of punctuation that I'm not even going to mess with it. AnyStarWars, overall an enjoyable read; I'm just not the target demographic. It's good to expand my horizons every now and then, though, but only in terms of literature. :)


Courtney said...

well candice..although i will never read this book i was just hopping over to tell you that apparently it's important to let people know that you're "gelling" and "foaming" which a little bit sounds like some type of contraceptive which in this case would be disgusting and ridicUlous. Horses foaming at the mouth come to mind also. love you.

Kyle Johnson said...

If you keep this pattern of one blog per book up, then I just might read 50 blogs this year.

Amy Coontz said...

Tyler had to read that last summer, he liked it. The funny part is, we checked it out from the library, last summer, and I still haven't returned it!!

Shelly said...

My boys loved it. I read it twice, about 15 years apart. I liked it better the second time. Maybe I understood it better. Remember the blogging stuff they talked about (the brother and sister)? Well, the first time I read it was in the early years of the internet... They say sci-fi has an incredible effect on scientific development. Hmm. Don't want to have a war with buggers....

G-rant said...

yeah it's not a bad book. you should read enders shadow now. I am almost done with The Hobbit and I highly recommend it, that is if you haven't read it already.