Friday, January 16, 2009

1. Boo-yah.

I finished the first of this year's fifty books, and I am already thoroughly enjoying the endeavour. It was lengthy (and not Harry Potter font-size 18 pretend lengthy), but never a dull moment. I am sure Margaret Mitchell will roll over in her grave, but I am thinking that Britney Spears is a modern-day Scarlett O'Hara. The resilience, the multiple marriages, Southern roots, always being judged, baby daddy drama, secretly pining for Ashley/Justin Timberlake, the cliffhanger ending (will she get him back/will she get her career and abs back?), etc. And the whole time I was reading I kept thinking that Clark Gable was MADE to play Rhett.

PS-I think I am going to hell for feeling sympathy for the post-Civil War Southerners, actually breathing a sigh of relief when Reconstruction came to an end. Crap.


L said...

LOL... Loved the Britney analogy. She totally IS a modern Scarlett.

Amy Coontz said...

Congrats!! You are inspiring me to read a "real" book!

Stake Camp Directors said...

I read your "Train to Potenka" book on the journey to Utah and it was a decent read. Off to Idaho for the open house.

Cooper Urmston said...

I know this may be WAY over my head, but I felt a little bad for them too, if i know what were talking about.

Shelly said...

You HAVE to call Grandma and tell her you read "Gone with the Wind." Scarlett frustrated me, but now I have decided I love to use her favorite line, "I'll think about that tomorrow." I also read "Train to Potenka" - not quite the thriller I thought it would be...